Weird Nightmare to support Daniel Romano's Outfit in August and September
03-05-2023If you’re looking for a raw, sugary blast of distorted pop, look no further than Weird Nightmare. The debut album from METZ guitarist and vocalist Alex Edkins contains all of his main band’s bite with an unexpected, yet totally satisfying, sweetness. Imagine The Amps covering Big Star, or the gloriously hissy miniature epics of classic-era Guided by Voices combined with the bombast of Copper Blue- era Sugar—just tons of red-line distortion cut with the type of tunecraft that thrills the moment it hits your ears.
These ten songs showcase a new side of Edkins’ already-established songwriting, but even though the bulk of Weird Nightmare was recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic some of its tunes date back to 2013 in demo form. “Hooks and melody have always been a big part of my writing, but they really became the main focus this time” he explains. “It was about doing what felt natural.”

To be clear: Weird Nightmare is not a “pandemic album,” but an album—some of which had been gestating for quite a while—that just so happened to be recorded during the pandemic. “I had always planned on finishing these songs, but being unable to tour with METZ, and forced to lock down, really gave me a push.” After days spent homeschooling his son, Edkins would drive to the METZ rehearsal room and tinker deep into the night on these songs’ deceptively simple structures and rich, static-laden textures. “It was a godsend for me,” he states about the creative process. “The hours would disappear and I would get lost in the music and record. It was a beautiful escape.”
Weird Nightmare is, in its own way, a study in extremes: Edkins’ melodic instincts and penchant for dissonance are both turned up to the max throughout, the latter reflecting not only the barn-burning tendencies of METZ, but Alex’s own sonic predilections. “It doesn’t sound right to my ears until it’s pushed over the edge.” He also cites other artists who are masterful at mixing the sublime and the punishing—Kim Deal and Scout Niblett among them—as influences on his own songwriting. “My favorite songs are the simple ones,” he explains. “I’ve never been attracted to virtuosity or technicality. Certain songs have the power to lift your spirits like nothing else can. I wanted to create that type of song.”
In August and September Weird Nightmare will be opening for Daniel Romano's Outfit:
26/08: Nijmegen, NL - Doornroosje ^*
27/08: Amsterdam, NL - Melkweg ^*
29/08: Goteborg, SWE - Pustervik ^*
30/08: Malmö, SWE - Folk Å Rock ^*
01/09: Kristiansand, NO - Kick Scene ^*
02/09: Stavanger, NO - Folken ^*
03/09: Bergen, NO - Landmark ^*
04/09: Oslo, NO - Rockefeller ^*
05/09: Trondheim, NO - Byscennen ^*
06/09: Östersund, SWE - Studio Stage ^*
07/09: Stockholm, SWE - Koppartalten ^*
08/09: Copenhagen, DK - Alice ^*
^ with Daniel Romano's Outfit
* with Julianna Riolino