The Pussywarmers are getting close..
24-04-2012The Pussywarmerss are getting close.. On their "Tour di Primavera" this Swiss street orchestra will be hitting the Benelux properly. Check out the cool promo video they made for this:
This Italian-Swiss band releases her records on Voodoo Rhythm. After the Dead Brothers they found an other orchestra. The label likes to call them an exotic obscure freak show sea cruise orchestra. To find out what that means come and see one of their gigs. What we can tell you about it is that they have two strong sides, on the one hand: very groovy sweet and mellow side and on the other a complete obscure and incredible strange side. These both give you Italian Tarantella, Tango, Walz, Dixieland Jazz, Bavaria Beer Polka, Blues Trash and psychedelic Punk.
And finally, the dates, check them out where you can:
30-04-2012: Eindhoven (NL) @ Effenaar
30-04-2012: Venlo (NL) @ Queensday Festival
01-05-2012: Leeuwarden (NL) @ King Kong Records Instore
01-05-2012: Leeuwarden (NL) @ Private Party
02-05-2012: Utrecht (NL) @ ACU
03-05-2012: Kortrijk (BE) @ Den Trap
04-05-2012: Middelburg (NL) @ De Vriendschap
Instore 04-05-2012: Middelburg (NL) @ Kaffee 't Hof
05-05-2012: Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BE) @ Gasketblowers Fest